Thursday Thoughts:  Three Tips for Coming out of Lockdown. — GoRun

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Thursday Thoughts:  Three Tips for Coming out of Lockdown.

Each week, one of our our coaches jots down a short thought piece giving insight into elements of coaching, training, racing or mindset. This week Coach Chris talks about the importance of massage, particularly coming out of lockdown.

Three Tips for Coming out of Lockdown:

  1. Get a massage.

  2. Get a massage.

  3. Get a massage.

Regular body maintenance as a non-negotiable if you want to perform well and keep injury free.

If you are in Melbourne, you will have had several months of limited access to these remedial / sports massage services, so please make sure to re-align and loosen up those running muscles, before you start running longer distances and enthusiastically pushing the training again.  

Even if you have been diligently using the foam roller, I recommend that you give back a little TLC to your body.  You will be surprised how many tight spots have developed over the last few months.  The foam roller is fine as a maintenance tool, but it can not replace a genuinely good sports massage to help get those muscles loosened up and functioning well again.  

Particularly if you are one of the many people who has needed to create a makeshift working from home space at the kitchen table over the last few months, your back is likely to be tight, which in turn will affect other parts of your body such as hips and gluts.

Think of this massage as a little present to yourself and a kickstart to your running post lockdown.